
Changes to Software Carpentry's Lesson Program Governance Committee and their work

In response to recent changes to The Carpentries Core Team, the Software Carpentry LPGC announces changes to their workflow and governance.

Sharing the 2023 Community Survey Evaluation Report

The report summarising community members’ responses to the inaugural Carpentries community survey is out!

Carpentries Values Project - An Update and Call for Input

Find out more about The Carpentries values project. Answer three questions and help us articulate our community values

Help Shape the Governance of Our Community

Request for Comment on The Carpentries Bylaws

The Carpentries' Virtual Listening Tour

You Belong in The Carpentries and we want to hear from you

Community Call on Assessment

Discussion of our workshop survey results

Code of Conduct and Call for Volunteers for Policy Subcommittee

The Carpentries seek your involvement in developing conduct-related policy.

Data Carpentry to adopt Reproducible Research Curriculum

Curriculum added to Data Carpentry to further support training in reproducible research