Data Carpentry

Lesson programs' blog posts migration

The three lesson programs' blog posts have been merged into The Carpentries blog

Welcoming the New Lesson Program Governance Committees

Community leaders who will guide project strategy for Data Carpentry, Library Carpentry, and Software Carpentry

Launching Data Carpentry: Image Processing with Python

Announcing the stable release of a new curriculum teaching image processing skills. Sign up to host a workshop today!

Calling for Volunteers to join a Lesson Program Governance Committee

Guide the development of Software Carpentry, Library Carpentry, or Data Carpentry

Planning for Lesson Program Governance Committees

Strengthening community leadership for Software, Library, and Data Carpentry

Foundations of Astronomical Data Science Launch

Interested in teaching skills at the intersection of data science and astronomy? Sign up for onboarding or to host a workshop today.

Running an Online Data Carpentry Workshop in Iran

This post covers the instructor's experiences teaching an online Data Carpentry workshop in Iran

Reflections on my First Data Carpentry Workshop

Lessons learned during the author's first attendance at a Data Carpentry workshop

Geospatial Data Carpentry Videos

Learn more about running the Carpentries semi-asynchronously.

Data Carpentry Python Ecology Lesson Translated into Spanish

We are excited to announce our newest community-driven lesson translation: Análisis y visualización de datos usando Python

Data Carpentry for Atmosphere and Ocean Scientists

Want to teach data science skills to people working with weather, climate and ocean data?

Geospatial Workshop is Now Ready to Teach!

Want to teach geospatial skills? Sign up for onboarding or to host a pilot workshop today.

Social Sciences Lessons Published!

Announcing publication of a Data Carpentry curriculum for social scientists.

Launching The Carpentries Website

“We release our new merged website to celebrate our new merged identity, and to complement information in The Carpentries Handbook.”

Volunteering for CarpentryCon 2018

CarpentryCon 2018 Needs YOUR help

Launching our New Handbook

Find new pathways to a range of Carpentries' materials

Developing GitHub labels for The Carpentries lessons

The process of developing GitHub labels for our lessons.

How to be involved in the Bug BBQ?

A short guide on how to contribute and be involved during The Carpentries Bug BBQ.

Mentoring Groups are Back!

'If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with others.' - African Proverb

Call for Code of Conduct Committee Volunteers

Be a part of a committee that ensures that our community continues to thrive on diversity of thought and perspective.

Announcing the first joint Carpentries Bug BBQ

Mark your calendar, the first joint Carpentries Bug BBQ will take place April 12-13!

Call for Contributions: Data Carpentry Ecology and Software Carpentry Curriculum Advisory Committees

“Be part of a team providing oversight, vision, and leadership for Carpentry curriculum.”

State of the State: Instructor Checkout

“An updated history of how new Instructors become certified”

Mentoring Groups Showcase their Accomplishments

Community members engage during the mentoring groups virtual showcase.

A Week o' Carpentry

Bringing Carpentries Training to the Federal Reserve Board

Challenges Assessing Data Science

What is data science? What are the core competencies?

Call for Contributions: Geospatial and Social Sciences Lessons

“Get involved as we prepare to publish two new Data Carpentry curricula”

Meet the Candidates

Applicants for the 2018 Merged Carpentries Steering Committee

A Mentoring Subcommittee Co-Chair position has just opened!

Work first-hand on developing our ever growing instructor pool.

Pack Your Bags for Dublin!

Ireland the venue for inaugural CarpentryCon

Call for Nominations to Joint Steering Committee

Stand for election to the joint Steering Committee of the merged Carpentries organization

Our long-term assessment results are in!

A discussion of learner outcomes more than six months after attending a Carpentries workshop.

Blogging for the Carpentries - We Want to Hear From You

Share your knowledge to help others work more efficiently

Carpentries Mentorship Program - 2.0

We’re starting a new round of mentoring groups, centered on specific lessons.

Work Cycle Ganymede Wraps Up

Here's what we accomplished

Round Two of the Carpentries Mentoring Program begins October 25th

Mentoring groups provide experienced instructors with the chance to help small groups develop confidence in teaching, lesson maintenance and community building.

Genomics Bug BBQ

Working to update the Genomics lessons

Dyslexia and Coding

What we can do in workshops to help people with dyslexia

Lesson Infrastructure Subcommittee 2017 September meeting

This post will cover the topics discussed and their resolutions.

Reflections on Assessment

Data Carpentry launches Skills-Based Pre- and Post-Workshop Surveys

Help Update the Instructor Training Materials

We’re releasing a new version of the Carpentry Instructor Training curriculum - learn how you can help!

Meet the Folks

Use our meetups page to find Carpenters at conferences

The Magic of Minute Cards

Formative assessment for instructors!

Cycle Deimos wrapup

“Here’s what we accomplished.”

Data Carpentry Genomics comes to the Netherlands

The Netherlands eScience Center in collaboration with University Medical Center Utrecht, SURFsara and DTL/ELIXIR-NL organized one of the first Data Carpentry Genomics workshops in Europe.

Call for Contributions: Moving Ahead with Genomics Data Carpentry

“Get involved as we prepare for our first Issue Bonanza and Bug BBQ on the Data Carpentry Genomics lessons”

First Data Carpentry Lesson Publication

“Hundreds of contributors to the Ecology lessons first official release”

Bug BBQ squashes bugs!

“Over 75 pull requests from the Issue Bonanza and Bug BBQ”

Data Carpentry supports I4OC

Promoting the unrestricted availability of scholarly citation data

Be a part of Data Carpentry’s first lesson release!

We’re planning our first lesson release - learn how you can contribute!

Long-Term Assessment Strategy

With the help of our community we added skills-based questions to our surveys!

Our first work cycle, Prometheus

“Here’s what we accomplished.”

Get Involved With Mentoring

Meet other instructors and help the community grow.

Ecology Issue Bonanza!!!

We’re planning our first lesson release - learn how you can contribute!

Reproducible Data-Driven Discovery

Report back from the Curriculum Development Hackathon for Reproducible Research using Jupyter Notebooks and the Moore Foundation Early Career Researcher Symposium

Run a workshop this Spring!

Attend our new ‘Run a Workshop!’ office hours.

Transfer of Learning

“How to navigate the inevitably awkward.”

Feedback on Communications

Creating a transparent and community-driven communications strategy.

Growth Mindset

“No matter how hard I practice I’ll never be able to dunk a basketball.”

Making use of Data Skills

How our community uses data skills in their work

Collaborative Lesson Development for Semester-long Courses

Building on Data Carpentry's core strength of collaborative lesson development.

Open Instructor Training

Thank you to all of our amazing applicants!

Analysis of Data Carpentry Workshop Impact

Data Carpentry workshops have made a meaningful impact on the way learners view their ability to complete computational tasks.

September Carpentries Community Call

Join the community call to connect with other instructors & get activity updates

Responding to your Learners

The importance of formative assessment

September Data Carpentry All-Stars!

Recognizing volunteers for their outstanding work in the community.

Code of Conduct and Call for Volunteers for Policy Subcommittee

The Carpentries seek your involvement in developing conduct-related policy.

Announcing our new Deputy Director of Assessment

Dr. Kari L. Jordan joins Data Carpentry as the new Deputy Director of Assessment

Reopening Instructor Training

Two open instructor training classes this fall

How to approach selecting a license for data release

Suggestions and perspectives on how to select a license for your data publication

Instructor and trainee involvement

Analysis of checkout completion rates and time to first workshop for new instructors

R Instructor Training

Applications are now open for R instructor training

Welcoming our new Associate Director

Dr. Erin Becker starts as the new Data Carpentry Associate Director

A Welcoming Community

We're committed to a friendly and respectful community for learning, teaching and contributing

Announcing Partnerships

There are now opportunities to be partners with Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry

Hiring a Deputy Director of Assessment

We're hiring a Deputy Director of Assessment to study the impact we are having

Hello, Spatio-temporal Data Carpentry

News from the pilot of the spatial data Data Carpentry workshop

Software and Data Carpentry Instructor Training Comes to Africa

Instructor training event will take place in Potchefstroom, North-West Province, South Africa from 17 - 20 April 2016

Starting off Data Carpentry in 2016

Several workshops starting off Data Carpentry in 2016

Data Carpentry to adopt Reproducible Research Curriculum

Curriculum added to Data Carpentry to further support training in reproducible research

Hiring an Associate Director

We're hiring an Associate Director to lead community engagement and education efforts

Workshop in Brussels, 2-3 Nov 2015

At the beginning of November, Belgium held its first Data Carpentry workshop.

Collaboration with rOpenSci on training for working with open data

A grant to rOpenSci from Helmsley Charitable Trust supports a collaboration with Data Carpentry to develop training for the use and publication of open data.

Data Carpentry Instructor Certification <br>for Software Carpentry Instructors

Already a Software Carpentry instructor? Become a Data Carpentry instructor too!

Data Carpentry in Africa

First Data Carpentry workshop in Africa at the TDWG conference

Grant from the Moore Foundation

We are very pleased to announce that we've received a grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.

Data Carpentry Workshop Fees

Workshop fees to increase for workshops scheduled after September 1, 2015 to help with organization sustainability

Data Carpentry Goes to the Netherlands

ELIXIR sponsored Data Carpentry workshop

Data Carpentry Genomics and Asssessment Hackathon

Announcing a Data Carpentry Genomics and Assessment Hackathon

Guiding Data Carpentry

Guidelines and directions for Data Carpentry

Data Carpentry Blog

Announcing a Data Carpentry Blog