Chris Erdmann

Thank you all!

In this post, Chris Erdmann reflects on his time as Library Carpentry Community & Development Director ahead of his last day.

Continued support from IMLS for Library Carpentry

California Digital Library receives supplemental grant from IMLS for Library Carpentry

Need Library Carpentry Stickers? Let Us Know!

Now you can request stickers until 30 June 2019!

It's a Wrap! The 4th Library Carpentry-Mozilla Global Sprint Concludes.

63 sprinters from 8 countries and 35 institutions took part in the May 2019 sprint.

What have the Library Carpentry Maintainers been working on?

An update on what the Library Carpentry Maintainers have been working on since January 2019.

What’s New at ORCID? A Joint Library Carpentries/ORCID Webinar!

What's new at ORCID? Learn about new features available via ORCID's API 3.0 to connect and share more of your own and community's contributions.

Announcing the Library Carpentry Advisory Group

The Group will advise on ways to foster greater participation in the Library Carpentry community

Mozilla-Library Carpentry Global Sprint, 30-31 May, 2019

Upcoming Sprint to improve and develop Library Carpentry material

Top 10 FAIR Data & Software Things

A two-day worldwide sprint held on 29-30 November 2018 to develop domain-relevant guides on FAIR.

Library Carpentry Is Now Officially a Lesson Program!

On 1 November 2018 the Executive Council approved Library Carpentry as an official Lesson Program

We just passed 2K Twitter followers!

In celebration of reaching 2K Twitter followers, here is a summary of our Twitter Analytics

Announcing the Top 10 FAIR Data Things Global Sprint

A global sprint to develop 10 FAIR things resources for data in different disciplines

A Carpentries-Based Approach to Teaching FAIR Data and Software Principles

A report from the TIB Hannover FAIR Data & Software Workshop (9-13 July, 2018)

Carpentries in the Libraries Community Calls

Time to talk about data and software skills in libraries

Library Carpentry Hackathon a Great Success

The third sprint featured lots of updates and new curriculum, plus the development of a new website

Building Library Carpentry Community and Development

Announcing Chris Erdmann as the new Library Carpentry Community and Development Director, starting 4 May, 2018.